Kentfield Times

Ethics Policy

Core Principles

The Kentfield Times is committed to delivering accurate, fair, and independent journalism that serves the public interest. Our ethical guidelines ensure we maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity while adapting to the digital age.

Editorial Independence

We maintain strict separation between news coverage and business operations. Editorial decisions are made independently of advertisers and stakeholders.

We clearly label sponsored content and advertisements to distinguish them from news. Our journalists are prohibited from covering stories where they have financial interests.

Accuracy and Corrections

We verify information from multiple sources before publication and promptly correct errors with transparent updates. We maintain an accessible corrections page.

Original articles are preserved with correction notices. Significant updates to digital articles are clearly marked with timestamps.

Fairness and Balance

We seek and include diverse perspectives in our coverage. We give subjects of critical coverage opportunity to respond. We avoid sensationalism and clickbait.

We present competing viewpoints fairly and in context. We acknowledge complexity in controversial issues.

Digital Ethics

We respect copyright and fair use in our digital content. We preserve original URLs and content except in extraordinary circumstances.

We clearly mark updated or modified content. We maintain transparency about our data collection practices. We protect user privacy and explain our privacy policies clearly.

Social Media Guidelines

Journalists represent our publication even on personal accounts. Opinion and analysis must be clearly distinguished from reporting.

We verify information before sharing or retweeting. We maintain professional conduct in online interactions. We correct misinformation promptly across all platforms.

Implementation and Oversight

Ethics training is mandatory for all editorial staff. An ethics committee reviews complex cases. Regular ethics audits ensure compliance.

Staff can report violations confidentially. Policy updates reflect evolving journalistic challenges.

Contact Us

The Kentfield Times welcomes feedback from readers and maintains open channels for dialogue about our coverage and ethical practices. Concerns about ethical violations should be directed to our ethics committee at

This policy is reviewed annually and updated as needed to reflect evolving journalistic standards and challenges.